Sunday, May 10, 2009

Diabetes | What is Diabetes

What is Diabetes 

Let’s suppose you went to the doctor and he walks into the room and says, “Hey, you’ve got diabetes.”  Now what?  You would be scared about what is going to happen to you.  Perhaps one of the first thoughts that would pop into your mind when you find out that you have diabetes is:  What is Diabetes?  Does this mean I am going to have to eat food that taste bland?  No more sugar?  Will you lose a foot?  Will diabetes eventually kill you?

With just a little it of luck the majority of people suffering with diabetes will be able to answer “NO” to most, if not all of these questions.  Doctors and scientist over the years have made great strides in their research concerning diagnosis of diabetes and how to control it.


If you have diabetes the number one most important thing you need to do is go to the doctor on a regular basis and follow his or hers advice.  You are not a doctor so don’t think for a second that you know better than a trained medical professional.

Because there have been so many advances in medical science concerning diabetes, you will be able to live a “normal” life and not have to suffer serious complications from diabetes.  But the key is for you to follow what your doctor tells you concerning:  eating, exercise, blood sugar (glucose) monitoring, and when prescribed, medications.

What is Diabetes

When we talk about diabetes we are not just talking about one disease.  We are referring  to a group of diseases that affect the way your body uses blood glucose or blood sugar.  Blood glucose is important because it is the single largest source of energy for the cells in your body that make up your muscles and tissues.  In other words it is you body’s main source of fuel.

If you have diabetes, doesn’t matter if it type 1 or type 2, it means you have too much glucose in your blood.  The reasons why you have to much glucose in your blood differs from person to person.  And please do not be complacent:  Too much glucose in your blood can lead to very serious problems.

Processing Of Blood Glucose

Blood glucose is derived from two places:  the food that you eat on a daily basis and from your liver.  When your food is being digested, glucose is going to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  Under normal conditions it will enter the cells in your body and will be helped along by the action of insulin. 

What Is Insulin

Insulin is a hormone that comes from the pancreas.  When you eat, your pancreas secretes insulin into your bloodstream. 

As the insulin circulates, it acts like a key, unlocking microscopic doors that allow glucose to enter your cells.  So insulin by doing this lowers the amount of glucose in your bloodstream and prevents it from reaching dangerous high levels.

Because your body is so smart it knows what to do when your blood glucose level drops.  It stops the secretion of insulin from your pancreas.  Your liver’s job in all of this is to act as a glucose storage and manufacturing center.  When the level of insulin in your blood is high, for example after a meal, your liver stores extra glucose as glycogen in case your cells need it later…Pretty smart!!

When your insulin levels are low, for example, after you have not eaten for a while, your liver releases the stored glucose into your bloodstream to keep your blood sugar level with a normal range.

What is Diabetes | Process Breaks Down

If you have diabetes, the process explained above does not work correctly.  Instead of the excess glucose being transported into your cells, the excess glucose will build up your bloodstream, and sooner or later some of it will be transported out of your body through your urine.  This normally will happen when your pancreas produces little or no insulin, or your cells do not respond properly to insulin….or both reasons.

Diabetes Mellitus

The medical term for the above condition is Diabetes Mellitus.  The word “mellitus” in Latin means, “honey sweet.”  It is referring to  the excess sugar in your blood and urine.

Diabetes Epidemic

There is a growing number of people that are obese or overweight.  Include with that fact that the population is aging and you have a recipe for a major health problem.  It is called type 2 diabetes. 

Let’s make it very clear:  If you are obese or overweight and you are getting older, then you are at a high risk of of getting type 2 diabetes.

This should have given you a general understanding of What is Diabetes.

This website is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for professional or medical advice.

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